Page 14 - Built For God Handbook (Bible Verses) - The Christian Edition of the Tao Te Ching - The New Evangelization - Pope John Paul II
P. 14


                   The second part of the Tao Te Ching gives further details
            about “Te” (chapters thirty-eight through eighty-one), which means
            its virtue or its power. “Te” is the energy that can be cultivated by a
            person through living harmoniously with the Tao. Ching is a term
            that means book. Together, Tao Te Ching is the book of the way
            (Tao) and of how it manifests itself in the world (Te). In other words,
            the Way of God by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

                   I am a Christian practicing as a Catholic, so I understand
            these concepts might sound strange or peculiar to many Christian
            ears. But I strongly believe they contain and help reveal the wisdom
            of God—the same wisdom of God found in the Bible. After
            researching and studying over fifty leading authors of the Tao Te
            Ching, I utilized words from a Christian context with the same
            meaning and chose Christian scriptures that parallel with the Tao
            Te Ching. In so doing, I hope to help Christians and non-Christians
            alike to see that God’s wisdom as contained in the Bible also flows
            through the Tao Te Ching, for I believe that without God, the Tao
            Te Ching would not exist as one of the wisest books ever written.

            How Do I Read This Book?

                   Although the Tao Te Ching can easily be read in just a few
            hours, the text becomes much more powerful when it is read
            slowly, mentally digested through patient prayer and meditation,
            and its principles actually put into practice. The richness of the Tao
            Te Ching is a lifelong exploration of discovering something new
            about yourself every time you read it.
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